Code violations and maintenance problems can be quickly identified. However, many of the most common and usually minor problems go unnoticed.
There are a few common problems that landlords and property managers should look out for before inspecting their property.
Missing, disabled, or improperly installed smoke detectors are the number one problem noticed on most compliance orders. Be sure to fix smoke detectors to ensure the safety of tenants and to speed up the inspection approval process. Also, make sure there are adequate escape routes. This doesn’t mean you must have an emergency staircase by every room, but you must have at least two acceptable means of escape, such as a door or a large enough window.
Faulty furnaces or exhaust vents can lead to serious health issues, fires, and lawsuits. Avoid these complications by servicing your furnaces on a yearly basis. In addition, make sure to inspect rental units consistently to check for cleanliness. Dirty properties can attract pests, a problem that can quickly grow. Immediately call an exterminator to fix the issue.
Common problems found with water heaters is an inadequate temperature and pressure relief valve and an improperly installed tpr valve discharge pipe. Check to make sure your cold water inlet pipes and hot water out pipes are both solidly connected and not rattling.
Openings in the furnace, chimney and venting can allow exhaust gases to escape into the household which is very dangerous. Schedule a furnace repair technician to take a look.
Clogged drains are among the most frequent recurring nuisances that landlords have to deal with. Hair, grease, feminine products, and wipes are among the most common causes of clogs. Install drain screens and ask tenants not to pour grease or other chemicals down the drains.
Preventative maintenance is critical for a successful rental property and will avoid costly repairs. If you have questions about repairs and issues, visit our website,
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C&C Monterey PM Inc. DRE 01526734
Kyle Chernetsky DRE 01928366
Kevin Cesario DRE 01953086